Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life is too short to ride an ugly bike

Tomorrow holds great promise for a little bike riding. My poor bike is so lonesome. Needs a little peddle power. It's time, it's almost May and I want to get out and go. Remember when you were young and you went from a trike to a bike with training wheels. It took a little time to get up the nerve to remove the wheels. What a thrill to finally get the balance down and you just went... hard to explain but it just worked one time and you were off. No helmet, no pads just peddling as fast as you could to keep going. Then came the big Schwinn. You could barely touch the peddles, but no sense it getting a bike you would grow out of after one summer, you had to trade up to the big girl bike. Then when you entered Jr. High you had to have a ten speed. I couldn't decide which color, green, blue, orange, yellow???? Final decision-baby blue. Those wheels took us to Macomb street daily. No bike path, but chuckhole USA was gone and the new roads were great. Then came the drivers license and we had no need for that fancy 10 speed we begged for. As a matter of fact, we wouldn't be caught dead on a bike. There is sat rusting away in the back of the garage for many years.

More years, than I wish to share, later I yearned for a new bike. We had just been to Venice Beach and the beach bikes were right up my alley.  Pretty colors, baskets, fun stuff.  I wanted to get some exercise and thought the bike would do the trick. After all we had bike paths and if we had bike paths we needed a bike. I wanted a pink one, searched for the one I wanted and couldn't find it. My sister hit the mother lode when she wandered into the bike shop on the corner by her house and found me just what I was looking for. Pricey, in my book, but I knew I had to have it. After dragging Les up there to look at them something happened!  He was dead set against me spending the money on something as foolish as a bike he thought I would never ride. I sold a house and was going to take some of my commission and buy it. As I wandered around the shop looking at all the awesome bikes, Les walked up to me and said, I found a bike, I will ride with you if you want! What???? Of course, I wanted him to ride with me, but all the reasons why he was opposed to me getting one, seemed to disappear when he found the "Ghostrider"  So there went my whole commission check :)

For several summers the Ghostrider and the pink bike with hearts all over it have ridden up and down the bike path, enjoying every minute of it. Just like when I was a kid, back and forth to Macomb street. If you don't have a bike- get one! Get an awesome bike, it makes it a lot more fun. Check these out Electra bikes.

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