Friday, February 26, 2010

Boys Vs. Girls

Well, good news! The computer is on it's way back from rehab. I am hoping for Monday!!! Getting all the bells and whistles. I am told I will love windows 7. Will see, hard to teach an old dog new tricks. A lazy old dog at that!

Had the pleasure of bonding with the girls yesterday. My girls that is. All 3 were available which doesn't happen often anymore, for a day of lunch and shopping! We had a nice day, very little arguing, my blood pressure was only elevated for a short period and we also got a chance to do a little "curbside recycling" in Riverview, much to the horror of Laycee. So all in all a good day! Lunch choice, Taco Bell????? off cheap. Off to the Dollar Store (picked up some really cute reading glasses) then out to Ikea! Boy that store sure motivates you to become stylish and frugal. So many things I would like to have, but I always end up spending very little and going home disappointed I didn't bring something sooo "Trendy" back home. I did see the rug that I pulled from the trash a couple weeks ago (remember in perfect condition!!) Price tag $399 :)

Karlee my shopaholic filled a bag with goodies, she felt she couldn't do without. Laycee found a great deal on a wok, and was excited to get back to her apartment and try it out. Marcy, found a way to plead poverty and get me to buy her something. :) Each one sooo different from the other. Except when it comes to the following..... Which brings me to my topic for the day. On the drive back home an interesting conversation came up..... a voice from the back seat, declared PMS was in the room! With that said the following conversation erupted.... "I wish I had a Penis" There I was thinking as I was driving down I-94, where is this going?????? Not sure I want to know. Help me!!!! The 3 of them agreed! Being a boy is so much easier.... Not something I thought about, except during childbirth. The arguments were very thought out, but rolled off their tongues like they had discussed this before. Maybe they read it in the latest issue of Cosmo???? Have I been away from the computer so long that I missed that study? I became amused and intrigued. First off they stated the obvious... can pee anywhere...don't have periods or PMS... get paid more. Then all three put in there 2 cents worth. It costs a lot of money to be a girl. Tampons, makeup, hair products, shoes, purses, nail polish, manicures, pedicures, shave everyday, birth control (pretended I didn't hear that one), jewelry, undergarments, perfume, etc. They were adamant that women should be paid more in the workplace because it costs more to be a girl!!! What an argument that is!!! The best argument I've heard for equal pay! We need more!!! Wow, the inequities of life all boil down to a penis. What a concept and who would of thunk it.... my girls were much smarter than me that day! By the way, if you can't read the caption on the cartoon... the baby girls said to the baby boy.... "My mommy says you got one of those and we got brains"

Monday, February 22, 2010

You never know what you will find.....

Hoping to have my computer back by the end of the week...fingers are crossed. Anyway, not that I haven't been doing anything...I have been. Moved some things around in my bedroom thinking it would change it up a little, since it has been the same for 19 years. My side of the room is clean...Les' side, well let's just say everyone blames me for the clutter, but if you look you will see the truth!! :) I don't like the new arrangement and will probably move it back :) I did clean out a few drawers. They were in a vanity that I just don't use. I found Savings Bonds that matured a long time ago.... and the strange thing I found was a pile of children's teeth that the tooth fairy left behind. What do you do with a pile of little teeth???? Do I just throw them out? I can't divvy them up and give them back to the kids...because that will shatter their world to find out the tooth fairy is just an imaginary creature. I think they are all there, except when Marcy had hers pulled at the dentist and Jaime ran over to show it to the neighbor and dropped it in the grass, never to be found. The tooth fairy had to ante up big for that one. Or when Laycee had a loose tooth and decided to eat some corn on the cob and it made her tooth come out and she swallowed it by accident. We decided we weren't going to wait for that one to reappear and just left the tooth fairy a note and she left a dollar bill.Other than those 2 occurrences, I think they are all there! I put them back and I suspect they will stay there for quite a while. Just one of those things I don't know what to do with.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Life is short, Dollar boats are cooler....

and life's other observations.... As my sister- in -law reminded me, dollar boats are cooler. Isn't that the truth.:)
I'm going to revisit the funeral one more time. After each funeral/memorial service I attend, I always express to Les, as soon as we leave, what my wishes are. Not that they matter, because I am not sure he would grant them, but I do threaten him with "haunting" When you get middle aged, which is a silly phrase because quite frankly 50 is way over the hump, you start thinking of these things. I don't expect nor do I want to live to 100 years old. Would not be a pretty sight. Fifty is much too difficult so 100 wouldn't work for me. Most of my life was filled with the notion that I would never live past the big 5-0. On May 25, 2009 I woke up and was still alive. So now what, I wondered???? I had to have a life plan for over 50! I made several decisions. I am still working on them. A bucket list of sorts. I "retired" (sounds more glamorous then I quit, although no pension is involved) from a job I no longer enjoyed. I wanted to get my children settled into adulthood, getting them somewhat on their own. The birdies needed to leave the nest. There is a true meaning to that phrase! I am desperately trying to turn my house back into a home. A shelter that would wrap it's walls around us like a big hug. Not the 4 walls that had turned into a discombobulated mess. Gone where the days the I wandered through our home and yard and felt content. I needed to bring that feeling back. It is important to me for reasons I haven't quite figured out yet. My house had become me and me my house.
When I die I want a clean house. I want to be cremated and I want to sit on the Mantle mixed with my dried wedding bouquet. (A lot of I wants here!) My bouquet lives in a beautiful Waterford biscuit jar on the mantle. The wedding gift I received almost 30 years ago from my cousin, whose husband just died. Les reminded me that would be a perfect place for me since I am claustrophobic and that way I could see out! So Waterford it is. I don't want a service in a funeral home or church. I want a party full of laughter and music. Weather permitting, it must be outside! I think I will be here for a little while longer, but who knows.....Life is short and dollar boats are cool!

More of life's silly observations.....

Can you believe I wore spanx to the funeral home .....

Why is it OK for Madonna to have roots? And I don't mean the fact that she came from Michigan. I mean her hair! Mine looks terrible and hers is a fashion statement. She is 9 months older than me - so WHY?

I corrected our waiters use of the English language last night- OUCH. I only correct my children and of course strangers behind their backs. He just looked at me. Not sure if he comprehended or he was offended.... I didn't see any saliva on my food! People, use seen and saw the right way!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Everyday should be Valentines Day

Borrowing a computer again...I will be sooo happy when I get my little machine back. Miss it! Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the weekend and Valentines Day. I had a bittersweet weekend. We had the memorial service for my cousins husband on Saturday...more about that in a minute. and then Valentines Day was a delightful do nothing day. Well, let me take the delightful part back. We did what Les wanted to do...lay on the couch and watch at least 6 hours of American Chopper. I did get a beautiful bouquet of flowers and chocolates :) That helped with the chocolate cravings I have been having lately. The other day after searching high and low for some chocolate I found myself in front of the baking cupboard raiding the chocolate chips. Felt pretty stupid after I realized what I was doing...but it did give me the fix I needed. Every once in awhile you just have to have some.
Now back to the memorial service. For those who now me very well you know how much I squirm and complain about funeral services. I must tell you I thought we were in for a "rent a minister" sermon and as usual I was getting ready to be miserable afterwards. I was pleasantly surprised and actually enjoyed myself. Almost caught myself bowing my head for prayer! The minister was actually someone who had known Bob and his family for over 40 years. It was a heartfelt memorial and actually brought a tear to the ministers eye. He told several little stories and one was that every day should be Valentines Day and we should tell the people we love that we love them everyday and treat them with the love and kindness they deserve on a daily basis. I secretly was thinking...chocolate everyday!!!! :) I like this idea! He also went on to talk about how life is short and we should be enjoying it on a daily basis. Have fun, he said! He went on to talk about how he saw a sign in front of a boat store, it said "Life is short, boats are cool" That is the new catch phase Les and I have been saying back and forth to each other and it makes us smile..and think of Bob! First time in a long time I have walked away from a memorial service with a grin and happy heart. And for those of you who know me well....that must really surprise you! So..... Love you all and Life is short, boats are cool!! :) Rest in Peace Bob.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A rose is a rose, is a rose, is a rose....

Well, Rose stood me up! I was ready to go at 9am but she had some work to take care of. Finally heard from her and work became a bigger problem for the day, so we are going to reschedule....RIGHT ROSE? Work always gets in the way! She did let me know she started on her own, removing some magazines so I have to give her some credit for making an effort. It's hard to get started, I know... Many of my recent projects have been on my to do list for several years, so I know the feeling. I can't tell you how rewarding it is when you get them accomplished. Better than the A+ you received at the top of your homework paper when you were young. Oh, I didn't get an A+...well I bet that is what it would have felt like :).
I did get a lovely poem from Rose, I thought you might enjoy it:

A Poem About Our Girlfriends
Someone will always be prettier.
Someone will always be smarter.
Some of their houses will be bigger...
Some will drive a better car.
Their children will do better in school.
And their husband will fix more things around the house.
So let it go, and love you and your circumstances.
Think about it!
The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart.
The most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children.
The richest woman you know, she's got the car, the house, the clothes~ might be lonely.
And the Word says, 'If I have not Love, I am nothing.' So, again, love you.
Love who you are.
Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say,
'I am too Blessed to be Stressed and too Anointed, to be Disappointed!'
'Winners make things happen~~ Losers let things happen.'
Be 'Blessed' Ladies and pass this on to encourage another woman.
'To the world you might be one person, to me you are special!

Stay warm and talk to you next week.... Have a great Valentines Day
and Rose...... The bus is coming :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Do you have your bus ticket?

The snow is coming!!!! Thought I would try to get a quick blog in before it arrives. I don't expect my computer back for at least another week. Sharing again! Speaking of sharing. I know you all wonder why I am sharing my thoughts with the world. Well, several months ago, my friend Rose and I were having our usual conversation about "woe is me" It became increasing obvious to us both, that we had to get out of Funky Town! It seems we both have had a year or so of changes in our lives that left us out to sea with no direction and sometimes we felt we didn't even have a life jacket. Things had to change and what better way to try to do it than to motivate each other. You know the buddy system. Our target date.....January 1. Let me rephrase target date. I still can't get Rose motivated!!!

I thought, maybe if I put it in writing, it would help me as well...maybe a daily email to Rose? Then I thought, well maybe I would feel more pressure to get things done if I put it on a blog, that would really motivate me and it might be fun. Maybe Rose would come along for the ride. Well, Rose is still at the Bus station! I'm going to go over to her house tomorrow and Bitch slap her! I warned her I am coming to help her clean her bedroom (the one thing she has put on her list to accomplish this year) I have seen her bedroom before, a few piles of things she needs to sort through and put away....we can do it in no time, she just needs to have someone help her get started. I want my friend Rose to take this journey with me. I think she will enjoy it in the end, and after all, she is the one who bought me the bus ticket! Jump on with us, are on our way to paradise! There is plenty of room, climb aboard..... next stop might be your house!

Friday, February 5, 2010


I just felt like this week was so out of sorts. Can't believe it is Friday already. The first week of February is almost over and we have the super bowl to look forward to on Sunday. The reason I love the end of football season is because it no longer interferes with the weekend. Days of watching College football and pro football are over for awhile. I don't quite understand how you can watch sooo much football and not be bored. It's a man thing, I guess.
Well, I'm not sure I want to reveal this, because I might loose out on some finds if more people starting working my neighborhoods! ha ha I am really into "curbside recycling" (AKA trash picking) lately. I used to do it quite a bit when the kids were young and I had the big black van. I could load that thing up with treasures galore. With the girls moved into their new crib I found that they needed different things that were readily available in the trash. One mans trash is another woman's treasure! I am typing from my daughters computer..she has my old monitor because I found a big flat screen monitor in the trash and it WORKED! Her computer is sitting on a computer desk we picked up on Parkway. The sofa I found on Forrest looked like it just came out of the showroom. I sat on it on the side of the road waiting for Les to come and get it. A lazyboy with 6 sections and 3 recliners. Among my other finds were a stiffel brass lamp, dishes, snow shovel, shelving unit,brass coffee table, stove, bed frame, lawn mower, gas grill, brass bed, outdoor storage bin, cupboards, etc..... My latest jackpot this past week was a beautiful wool rug! 10 x 8 I thought would look good in Karlees living room. But after I brought it home and unrolled it, I found it to be clean and stain free- It now resides in my living room and it is a perfect match! Sorry Karlee...maybe the next one will be yours. So I am being "green" and recycling.. You might see me scoping out the neighborhoods on trash day.... I'm really finding some great things lately! Happy "curbside recycling" just stay out of my territory ! ha ha

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How are you doing???

First of all, my computer going to rehab in Atlanta. It took a dump and it wont talk to me anymore. I have to rely on friends and family to be able to blog and check my email. So here I am at my sister-in laws using her computer, trying to catch up.

I have been pretty busy the last couple of days and during that time I have done a few things that were in the 2010 Handbook that I published back on January 8th. That email posting was full of things that you should strive for on a daily basis, but a few that you should do...just because you should. Last week I arranged to do #'s 25, 28 and 17 came along too. :) I called my 80 year old Aunt and asked her to join my sister's and I for lunch. This is something we have never done! We spent a few hours together and I felt like it was a good day! I picked up my sisters and we visited for awhile before we picked up my aunt. That is were 17 came in. My youngest sister looked fabulous. She had lost quite a bit of weight and I was curious how this had happened... I knew she loved to eat and exercise wasn't really her thing either so how could this be? I am getting no where, and she looks like she is wearing a size 8. Her secret - well she said she is now drinking Vodka instead of Rum. No calories in vodka! That won't help me... her second secret was getting a good night sleep. I guess we have that in common. She has a little helper and it seems to be working for her! Thinking I was due for a good nights sleep I took a benedryl hoping for the best. Well I am still in a fog and it's almost 2pm. I feel useless. I guess that won't work for me either. So here I am #17- Envious...good night sleep and weight loss without much effort!

Back to lunch with my Aunt. During our lunch conversations, she said she was thinking about the fact that our mother was no longer here and she should be letting us know what to expect with aging. I was waiting for the menopause talk.. although if my memory served me right, I think I remember a hysterectomy! Well, menopause was never mentioned so I guess I have to rely on what I learned from "Menopause the Musical" I might break out in a song, while I am sweating up a storm. It seemed to help those women and they looked happy!

Her only complaint at 80 was that she had hairs growing where they shouldn't be growing! Thick wirery hairs that were intrusive and annoying! They grew from her chin and grew from her nose. They made her nose itch and it came down to the fact that they had to be removed to give her any peace. I smiled and winked at my sisters and we decided that if we live to 80 and the only thing we have to worry about are some silly little hairs, we are going to be fine! So if you have the chance, do number 28, you will make someones day and they will make yours. :)

FYI- I cleaned out the top shelf in the refrigerator door. Lot's of things had expired! Easy takes about 5 min. 3 more shelves to go- maybe I will do one a day! Then it's the interior shelves ...I think I saw some pickles that are really old! I bet you have some pickles with only 2 left swimming in a jar of juice!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A dreary shade of grey

The last couple of days my SAD has kicked in big time. I don't know about you but I have so many acronyms after my name (PMS, SAD, ADD) that you would think I was a frigging genius. Mastering all those fancy letters didn't come from years of attending an in state university, they are from the school of life! The one that gets to me the most is SAD. Fitting isn't it that today is Ground Hog Day. The sun still isn't up yet (another disorder I have- can't sleep) but I am, so I am not sure if we are in for 6 more weeks of winter or maybe it will only be 5 1/2!!!! I am taking my Vitamin D hoping that helps with my lack of sunshine. I really can't see myself sitting under a florescent lite for 30 minutes but hey, it might work! The only fix that works for me is a little R and R in Florida, but I don't have a trip scheduled for this winter and I may not get down there in less things change quickly around here. I am keeping my eye on the Spirit airlines tickets, but with hubby's job in limbo and nothing on the horizon, at the moment, we can not take off until we know what's going on. I have been trying to do the mental imagery thing, pretending I am hearing the steel drums, feeling the sun warming my soul and knowing I just had my vacation pedicure, life seems good! I think you know how this ends....I am really sitting in front of the computer in my robe, socks covering my calloused feet; and in a snuggie! Ahhhh MICHIGAN in February. I need an attitude adjustment...maybe a mojito? I think I will put on a Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett CD and do a little work around the house. I am trying to be happy, because it is a state of mind, right??? I think the Cd's are the best I can do today! Hey Punxsutawney us a favor and don't see your shadow! Today, I will take that dreary shade of grey.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Had and am still having some technical difficulties. Might be time for a new computer.....not good for the budget!

Just to wrap up last week, since I missed 2 days of the money week. I bought a Magic Jack for my home phone line. I was very excited, since I know a couple people who have it and think it is the greatest thing. I anticipated saving at least $700.00 a year on my home phone bill, sounds like a winner! I am not going to pass judgement on it yet, because I only received one phone call on it before my computer wigged out. As much as I love technology, I didn't know if I was ready to give up my land line. Proud of that 676 number!! Everyone has a cell phone, so really what is the purpose?? Well, my rational was that I needed it for my biz hub, and what if I wanted to talk along time, it would use up my cell phone minutes that I share with 3 girls....don't want to have to pay for going over, that can get expensive! Really, stupid reasons, but they were my reasons! So Magic Jack was the answer! I could still have my "home" phone and only pay 19.95 per YEAR. I ran up to Radio Shack and purchased it with my $10.00 off coupon in the entertainment book I keep in my car (that's another great purchase to save money!) so total cost was $31.00 and some change. That also included the 1st year of phone service. WOW.

A couple things to keep in can not keep your original phone number, you have to leave your computer on to receive calls, you will only get one extension for the whole house- because it has to be plugged in the computer. I don't think any of those exceptions are reason to give up saving over $700.00 per year. So as soon as I get my computer issues figured out, I hope to have it up and running and I can cancel my land line and start saving money. This is really a pretty pain free way to cut the budget. Stay tuned....

Tomorrow a new topic for the week

Weekly Weigh In- NO MOVEMENT!!!! Maybe I need a Movement to have some movement lol