Monday, January 25, 2010

Money doesn't grow on Trees?

A new week a new subject. I don't think there is anyone out there that has not been effected by the recent woes of our economy. Hopefully, just a little, but many have been suffering a lot. In reality by no fault of their own. The perfect storm has managed to reach out and tap us all on the shoulder. Some of us could out run it faster than others, but it has made us all look a little deeper into our lives to see how maybe we could tighten our belts just in case we get hit a little harder if it comes looking for us again. Trying to get back to having a healthy cash reserves has proven to be more difficult - Looking at the returnables in my garage (my cash reserves) they are spilling over because my kids are not home to take them back for gas money. So things are looking up! Watching late night television we are bombarded with ways to get back on track...but whether you need help or not, there are some things to do that are just no brainers.... so forget Suze Orman and her unrealistic ways. Duh, if we could pay off our credit cards we would! Guess what....We can be Frugal and Fabulous!
Weight update :( #159 What the heck. I have been eating less.... I guess I am going to have to exercise...crap!


  1. make my day each day with your words of wit, wisdom, and support in dealing with the everyday stuff! I am working on blogging like you but for now I turn up your great choice of music and just enjoy yours! I am greatful for having such a wonderful friend! Love ya.....

  2. 2:48 am? That Saints game must have gotten you wired!!! Great blog and yes, this economy makes you re-evaluate wants from needs!! R
